Wednesday, October 24, 2012

With the potential far greater than it was the last time Barnes was a Clipper

"In my career, it's never been anything like 'You're a starter' or 'You're the second guy off the bench,'" Barnessaid. "I've had to work with everything. I knew this is no different than that. Really, when I talked to Vinny [Del Negro], I just asked for an opportunity. I didn't need anything promised to me, I just needed the opportunity to compete and he's given me that. It's worked out well."

With the potential far greater than it was the last time Barnes was a Clipper, he sees one thing the team needs to really focus on in order to live up to expectations and be serious contenders.

"Play defense," Barnes said. "To me, it's play defense. With Chris at the point and in transition, our offense will be fine. If we commit to the defensive end and close that paint up and slow people down in transition and limit their threes, we're going to be hard to beat."

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